Open Hands Midway

Open Hands Midway Open Hands Midway has been serving the Hamline Midway and Union Park communities for 15 years. “Freely we give, freely we receive” has been at the core of operations since opening. They offer Meal Programs, Food Shelf, and Produce Distribution free of cost to all who come. Their Meal Programs occur […]

Midway to Mississippi

Midway to the Mississippi flyer

Midway to Mississippi Clean up leaf litter on the curb to protect the Mississippi River from pollution! Sign Up to participate in Midway to Mississippi Hamline Midway Coalition has teamed up with Capitol Region Watershed for the Midway To Mississippi environmental initiative. Midway to the Mississippi is a simple yet effective initiative aimed at preventing […]

Food Justice at Zion Community Commons

Food Justice at Zion Community CommonsWritten by Colin Anderson, Video by Heather Quinn The Community Dinner concept began at Eureka Compass in 2017. As it grew, and the potential for beneficial impacts in the community in the concept began to be better understood, more community partners were brought in. In the fall of 2018, […]

Green To Go

Green To Go! The Hamline Midway neighborhood supports St. Paul’s Green-to-Go ordinance to create a more environmental city. The Green to Go ordinance passed in 2022 by the city of St. Paul is meant to convert a pollution issue into a resource by creating more soil health through composting food waste and much of its packaging. This […]

Taking Notes

By Jason Elyea-Wheeler // (4/23/2024) I moved to the Midway when COVID was beginning to loosen its grip on daily life. It was three years ago I started at Hamline University, where we were kept in the safety bubble of our dorm rooms, and carefully walked the boundaries of campus. Rarely did I step into […]

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