Jennifer Hadley, Secretary
My husband and I moved to the Midway in 2016 because of its proximity to easy transportation to both University of Minnesota campuses where I was trying to get a job. While that didn’t work out, we have enjoyed the Hamline Midway neighborhood deeply, particularly the numerous, amazing ethnic restaurants and the relationships with neighbors and business owners I’ve built over the years.
After participating in a discussion about local issues with a small group of Midway residents late 2018, I ran for a seat on the board and have served on it since 2019. The main issue I am working on in the Midway is clean streets and clean water. After spending years collecting data for research along rivers for work, I now hope to keep the river clean by Keeping the Midway Clean. I lead cleanup events in the Midway with the end goal to reduce trash washing down drains and into the river while building neighborhood pride and beauty. I love giving back to my community and value the relationships that develop among neighbors who share a deep love of their community and/or the environment.
My Midway Moment
“Thank you!,” they yell from their cars as they pass as we load trash into a bag. Or maybe they were the ones who consolidated the litter strewn about on the sidewalk along Snelling by my adopted trash can.
Maybe they’re someone I call my friend after they, too, share their personal time picking up trash alongside me – I attend their birthday parties, gather food to help them heal when they’re sick, hang out with them at our local breweries… This neighborhood is made up of amazing people.
Not just me... You too!
See yourself as someone who wants to make a difference in the neighborhood? Get in touch with us!