ReLeaf the Midway

Midway Ash Tree Removal (MATR) Project

Midway Ash Tree Removal Seasonal Timeline:

June: site applications for potential tree removal open

July: site applications for potential tree removals close

September: sites are notified and matched with a contractor for removal

October through December: selected trees are removed

In 2023, the Hamline-Midway Coalition (HMC) was awarded funding through the ReLeaf Program, an initiative by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This program is designed to enhance community forest ecosystem health and sustainability, focusing on the removal and replacement of dead trees, particularly in low-income residential areas.  HMC’s grant award allows for the removal of 21 ash trees, and supports our community’s Free Tree planting program over the next 3 seasons. This effort improves the urban forest landscape, contributing to the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and promoting energy conservation through reduced cooling needs. 

HMC Environment Committee (HMEC), Midway’s-own Trees & Me LLC (consulting, tree care & training arborists), HMC staff, and volunteers will be coordinating the removal of eligible dead trees from residential properties within the Hamline-Midway area. Tree removals are costly (can be up to $10,000!) and are often a stretch for community members to cover this expense. This fact, along with the astounding number of private property ash trees in our community, led HMEC to pursue grant funding to support Midway private properties. Currently not eligible in our program are: boulevard trees, trees on other public property and non-ash trees. The number of trees we can remove with our initial MNDNR sponsorship is very limited, but HMC will continue to seek sponsorship to add to the number of removals, and/or allow for other species of dead trees.

Emerald ash borer is a quarantined invasive species and is a very destructive insect pest of ash trees.  Items, like brush and firewood, that could transport this insect may not be moved without permission from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. EAB attacks all species of North American ash, and once an ash is attacked by EAB, it will be killed. Minnesota has one billion ash trees. Resources that can help you understand more about emerald ash borer in our community include:


Image of an emerald ash borer beetle sitting on a green leaf
Image from the University of Minnesota Extension Service

Ash Tree Removal Request Form

During the annual request periods, the MATR requests will be linked and open.  

Private property ash trees are eligible for this program when the application period is open. Currently not eligible in our program are: boulevard trees, trees on other public property and non-ash trees.  Annually, HMC’s initial sponsorship allows for removal of 7 trees each year.

For additional information, contact the HMC office directly by phone (651-494-7682) or by email at

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